Research projects of the Unit of Social and Legal Psychology

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Argelander-Project " Reliability and validity of the MEIKs" (dt. "Reliabilität und Validität der MEIKs")

Funded by the Argelander Program for Young Scientists of the University of Bonn
Project leader: Dr. Barbara Bergmann

Delinquent behavior of children and adolescents is a concern for society as a whole. Research into its causes, development and prevention is the task of criminal psychology in close cooperation with youth welfare, justice and police stakeholders.

The project "Reliability and validity of the MEIKs" (2023-2025) aims to gather initial findings within the police forces of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony on the quality of an instrument used by police officers to assess the delinquency risk of children and young people. The MEIKs (characteristics for assessing individual delinquency risk) record risk and protective factors in a young person's life in order to make a prediction about their future delinquent behavior. The aim is to make the MEIKs usable for police practice in order to increase the effectiveness of crime prevention measures and to expand the scientific knowledge on the predictive power of protective factors.

Cooperation project with the psychotherapeutic outpatient centre in Nuremberg

Funded by the Legal Psychology Section of the German Psychological Association (dt.DGPs)
Project leaders: M.Sc. Silvia Kube and M.Sc. Nico Ruhara 

This is a cooperation project with the psychotherapeutic outpatient centre in Nuremberg to develop an evaluation-friendly documentation for the treatment of people who have committed violent and sexual offenses.

More about the project and the cooperation - funded by the DGPs

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The Team

Here you will find an overview of all contact persons in the department.

Homepage of the Unit

Everything about our social and legal psychology department at a glance.

Teaching in the department

Information about final theses, examinations etc.

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