M.Sc. Finn Rathgeber
Research fellow in the Unit of Social and Legal Psychology
Office hours
winter semester 2023/24
by appointment

© Privat
Curriculum Vitae
Research interests:
- Fitness to drive
- Road safety
- Indirect measurement of sexual preferences
winter semester 2023/24
- D Project course (M.Sc.)
summer semester 2023
- D Project course (M.Sc.)
- R2 Problem areas of legal psychology (M.Sc.)
- Teaching assignment for module A6 of the Master's program in Legal Psychology
winter semester 2022/23
- D Project course (M.Sc.)
- R2 Problem areas of legal psychology (M.Sc.)
- Since 09/2023
Research fellow at sicher unterwegs - Verkehrspsychologische Untersuchungen Gmbh - Since 10/2022
Research fellow at the Department of Social and Legal Psychology - 2020 - 2022
Master of Science at the University of Bonn - 2018 - 2022
(Under)Graduate research student at the Department of Social and Legal Psychology - 2017 - 2020
Bachelor of Science Psychology at the University of Bonn
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Fachgruppen Rechtspsychologie und Verkehrspsychologie
Mindestanforderungen der Fahreignung auf dem Prüfstand – Sind die psychischen Eignungskriterien für Busfahrerinnen und Busfahrer gerechtfertigt?
Rathgeber, F., Schubert, W., Schützhofer, B., Huetten, M., & Banse, R. (2022)
Zeitschrift für Verkehrspsychologie, 68(1), 22-33.